Monday, 7 November 2016

Here I am sharing my assignment of modernist literature

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Name: Maru Janak j.

Roll no: 20

Paper no: 9

Paper name: Modernist literature

Topic: Waiting for Godot With religious Interpretation

Email Id:

Submitted to : Department Of English

Samuel Buckett:

      Samuel Beckett is a famous Irish dramatist and novelist. “Waiting for Godot” is his master piece.
 The play is one of the classic works of theatre of absurd.
It is multilayered drama which has many interpretations.

       The play appears to be absurd however with a profound religious significance. Despite the fact that the play usually interpretae inside the setting of the theater of absurd. existentialist lirerature, it is aslo Chritian allegory and also interpreted with religious interpretations.

    The play has extremely solid proofs of theory of existentialism, yet at the same time, it can be connected with numerous different religious understandings. Like, Christian myth of two hoodlums, sitting tight for second happening to Jesus Christ, Hindu reasoning and its "Avtar'' and different interpretation.

#The Tramps’ Faith
        In support of the Christian interpretation, it might be argued that Vladimir and Estragon, who are waiting for Godot, are shown as clearly superior to Pozzo and Lucky, who have no appointment, no objective, and are wholly egocentric, wholly wrapped up in their sado-masochistic relationship. It is their faith that puts the two tramps on a higher plane. It is evident that Pozzo is overconfident and self-centred. “Do I look like a man that can be made to suffer”? he boasts. Even when he gives a melancholy and moving description of the sunset and the sudden failings of the night, we know he

does not believe the night will ever fall on him; he is not concerned with the meaning of what he recites, but only with its effect on his listeners. Hence he is taken completely unawares when night does fall on him and he goes blind. Likewise Lucky, in accepting Pozzo as his master and in teaching him his ideas, seems to have been naively convinced of the power of reason, beauty, and truth.
         Estragon and Vladimir are clearly superior to both Pozzo and Lucky—not because they pin their faith on Godot but because they are less naive. They do not believe in action, wealth, or reason. They are aware that all we do in this life is as nothing when seen against the senseless action of time, which is in itself an illusion. They are aware that suicide would be the best solution.
     They are thus superior to Pozzo and Lucky because they are less self-centred and have fewer illusions. The hope, the habit of hoping, that Godot might come after all is the last illusion that keeps Vladimir and Estragon from facing the human condition in the harsh light of fully conscious awareness. For a brief moment, Vladimir is aware of the full horror of the human condition: “The air is full of our cries……At me too someone is looking……” But the routine of waiting, which has become a habit, prevents an awareness of the full reality of being.

#Religious symbole such as a Tree:
The tree is very religious. It is believed that the tree represents life and death in a cyclical fashion. Also waiting is a central part of the play. Waiting can be interpreted as a religious activity. Waiting can be directly linked to faith.
     Many people of the catholic faith believe that they are on this earth waiting to go to heaven i.e. the afterlife. I think that Beckett hits out at this notion. He does this by showing that nothing happens at the end of Vladimir and Estragon’s waiting. The title, waiting for Godot, is very clever. It can be, and has been read as waiting for god. It would appear, on first glance that Vladimir and Estragon are indeed waiting for god, or a godlike figure.
       In act1 Vladimir's talk of damnation and salvation.vladmir accuses Estragone of blaming his boots for the faults of his feet.Estragon is still pulling at his boots.Estragon abruptly referes to an were crucified at the same time a jejus christ .One of these two,thieves,says vladimir cannot understand why only one of the four Evangelists should have spoken of a theif being saved.Of the other three Evangelists,two do not mention ant thieves at all and the third says that both of them abused christ.Estragon is unable to understand this talk.His only interest in the Bible is that he had once looked at the maps of the Holy land and found them quite attractive.

#Biblical elements in “Waiting for Godot”:

As it has many Christian ideas, it is also related with many biblical elements and symbols. At the beginning of the play, Vladimir asks Estragon, have he read the Bible or not. Throughout the play, biblical, Christian elements are very much presented with the symbols.
 The background image of ‘Tree’ has multiple meanings, and religious interpretation see as it is an image of cross where Jesus Christ was crucified. Their waiting also reflects the basic biblical idea of Christ’s returns on the Doomsday.
This play has strong religious connections, as it is also known as religious allegory. As William Mueller observed,
“The human predicament described in Beckett’s first play is that of man living on the Saturday after the Friday of the crucifixion, and not really knowing if all hope is dead or if the next day will bring the life which has been promised.”

#Religious and Chritian Play:
        one view is that poozzo represent mankind ,and lucky represent christ if this view of the critic accepted,then what takes place before the tramps is the reacting of the redemption.The tramps ofcourse do not recognize it as such they find it unpleasen and prefer to contineu waiting for the mysterious Godot.Another possible interpreation is that pozzo and lukcy represent human life,Pozzo representing physical aspect of the human personality and Lucky the spiritual.Pozzo himself in the course of the playturns blind,this perhaps being and indecation of the transcience of the human power and domination.
              The religious appeal of the play Waiting for Godot may be regarded to have the religious appeal for instence Godot is the external figure who can bring a change in the certainly exists>The idea of grace or the possiblity of salvation is promienant in the play from the moment when vladimir expresses his puzzliment overthe different acounts given in the four gospels  the fate of the two thives crucified with christ according to one version,on of the two thives was saved and other damned as vladimir remarks: “it is reasonable persentage”.also again vladimir and estragon waiting might be explains as signified their steadfast faith and help while vladmir's kindness to hisfriend,and the two tramps's mutual inter-dependence might be seen as symbole of christian charity the trampswho areWaiting For Godot may be regarded superior to Pozzo and Lucky who have no appoinment and no objective ,and who are wholly wrapped upin their shadow masochistic relationship the two tramps are less self-centered and have feual illusion the hope the habbitof hoping that Godot might one after all may be an illusion but it is an illusion that substance them and keeps them going Godot lends to their paintless existence a center meaning even though Godot himself it ambiguous,unpredictable person.

    The hope of salvation may be merely an evasion of the suffering and anguish that spring from facing the reality of the human condition. But this does not invalidate the religious implications of the play. It is possible, however, to believe either that the play visualizes the possibility of salvation or that it negates such a possibility. It is strongly believed that the play has ideas of existentialism. But event to support existentialism, writer shows religious ideas. And he also tries to deconstruct it. Consciously or unconsciously, writer presents many Christian myths and Biblical images.

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