Monday, 14 November 2016

Second Language Teacher Education

Paper : 12 ( English LanguageTeaching-1)
M.A Semester : 3
Roll No : 20
Topic:Second Language Teacher Education
Submitted To : Smt. S.B Gardi Department of English
Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji
Bhavnagar University


Introduction of Donald freeman :

-Donald freeman was dean of the department of language teacher Education and director of the centar for teacher education, training, and research, at the graduate school for international training in vermont.
- his research interests focus on teach learning Donald freeman n his article second language teacher education differantly and easily understand to teaching method.
- he studiesthe place of language as data in these learning processes, and how it can be used to trace influences across the interrelated domains of teacher education, classroom practices, and student learning.
-he is past president of TESOL and member of the university of cambridge ESOL adviser council.

Introduction of second language teacher Education :

Ø English language skills are vital for any country that wants to be an active participant in hee global economy and has access to information or knowledge pertaining to social and economic development.
Ø the shifting ground of terminology has plagued L2 teacher education for at least the 30 years.
Ø the relative emphasis has shifted, the focus among these four words has migrated from the content, the 'second language ', to the person of the 'teacher', to the process of learning or 'education', thus capturing the evolution in the concept of L2 teacher education in the field.
              The field of teacher education is a relatively underexplored one in both second and foreign language teaching. The literature on teacher education in language teaching is slight compared with the literature on issues such as methods and techniques for classroom teaching.  ( Richards and Nunan )

v knowledge of subject matter:

what is knowledge of subject matter?

- teachers need to know about their subject the specialized concept, theories and disciplinary knowledge that constitute the theoretical basis.
1.                Phonetics and phonology
2.                english syntax
3.                second language acquisition
4.                curriculum and syllabus design
5.                discourse analysis
6.                sociaolinguistics
7.                analysis of method
8.                testing and evaluation
- so this type of subject matter knowledge theoretical basis.
- there are many reason for this gap between teacher education and teacher learning.
- some have to do with the research paradigms and method that have been valued raise questions about how teaching is defined education lands to the study of teacher.

The profession of English teaching:

- SLTE has been evolving and changing by exploiting its own knowledge base. Short in present of the teacher own knowledge in classroom.

Contextual factors:

1. Language policies
2. Language teaching policies
3. Community factor
4. Sociocultural factor
5.Type of school
6. Administrative services
7. School culture
8.School program
9. Level of class
10. Age of the learner
11. Learning factor
12. Teaching resources
13. Testing factors

The Role of input : ' Teacher Education strategies'

- as mentioned in the first section, confusing nomenclature has been the achilles heel of L2 teacher education. The clearest instance is the co-mingline of the terms teacher training, teacher development and teacher education.
- in the case of L2 teacher education, content and process combine to create two broad strategies for input: teacher training and teacher development(see freeman 1989). In teacher training the content is generally and transmitted to the teacher-learner through various processes.
- the content may be present through conventional processes- such as lectures, readings and the like- or through more participant-oriented processes-such as project work, case studies and so  on.
- the emphasis, however, is on how teacher -learners on the value to teacher-learners of the development activity.
-In development, the information is often externalised from the teacher-learners experience through collaborative work, reflective processes and so on. A second misconception is that training and development are often couched in sequential terms.

The role of prior knowledge : befor formal teacher education begins

the research section , teacher education has conventionally been framed as a behavioural undertaking in which teacher-learners ae to master the new knowledge and skills to which they have been introduction, usually through training trategies .
- the complicated task of describing what teacher-learners prior knowledge is and the forms it may take. Knowledge  is internal, there can be no definitive way of labelling it, thus competingconstructs will continue to exist.
  Teacher education is struggling to reconceive its educational processes so that they ecompass and draw on what teacher-learners may already know about teaching( johnson 1999).

 Dialogic teaching & Teacher education through technology:

This theme centres around conversations with other teachers and collaborative planning and explores the role of collaboration, team mentoring, supervision problem solving and decision making.

·Advancement in technology has created possibilities for distance teaching through online learning and internet based resources.

·Dialogic teaching makes it possible for globalized teaching communities to come together with their own cultural, social, professional, and personal outlooks.

Critical Language Teacher Education:

·Through this theme the authors talk about raising awareness about how power relations are constructed and how they function in a society.

·Teachers are encouraged to engage in critical self reflection  about their own identities and positioning in society and among their students.

Need For Account Ability:

· Since English teaching has become a worldwide phenomenon now, there is a greater need for accountability in SLTE practices and assessment.

· To ensure quality there has to be a central control on competencies of teachers and components and contents of curriculum.

· Internationally recognized standards and specifications need to be developed to ensure accountability, validity and reliability, hence a need for a central body that can monitor all aspects.


· It is an informative book that has put forth some important issues and debates in the field of second language teaching effectively.

· However, some information about the professional background of the chapter authors would have been beneficial to readers.

· The book makes a vital contribution of our understanding about how this field has expanded considerably since its initiation in the 1960s and has redefined its scope goals curriculum, teaching approaches and methods

· The book should benefit scholars of language education and applied linguistics and prove very useful to the teaching fraternity and master’s and doctoral students in these field.



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Symbolism in 'the oldman and the sea'

Roll no :20
M.A. Semester : 3
Year : 2016-17
Paper no : 10 (American Literature)
Topic :Symbolism in 'the oldman and the sea'
Email id
Submitted to: Smt. S.B Gardi Department of English
Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University

v Introduction:

              Old man and the sea by Ernest Hemingway is a great novella with many philosophical ideas. Hemingway is very careful while portraying characters in his works. The novella is centred on one major character Santiago. As the title suggest Santiago is an old man. He is of 75 years old Cuban fisherman. Hemingway has presented the character of Santiago with strong determination will power, hope and confidence.

v Symbolism in the Old man and the Sea:

Ø this novella the symbolism has far deeper kingficance.
Ø the book is representation of life as struggle against unconquerable force of nature.
Ø in this novella Hemingwaiy symbolized person, place or thing to represent the real meaning of his writing.
Ø Hemingway is very much connected with the nature and he uses all nature in this Novells.

v Meaning of Symbolism:   

 According to Oxford Dictionary

"Symbolism means use of symbols like Object, character use of figure of colour to represent abstract idea concept or quality"

         the element of symbolism is presented in all the works of Hemingway. However, the word symbolism came to be associated with him only after the appearance of his novel “Old man and the sea”. Hemingway’s use of symbols comes to climax in this novel. As a result, the novel is reach in symbolism images and motifs that enhance both the plot and the themes.
Symbolism is an essential literary device used by Ernest Hemingway in his book the old man and the sea. Hemingway uses numerous forms of symbolism but a recurring contour id biblical allusion. Hemingway filled this story with biblical allusion to create a deeper meaning within the text. Knowing biblical allusion allows a reader to have wider perspective of the story.
The major symbols used by Hemingway are as follow.

Symbolic use of sea:

           The major symbol used by Hemingway in distinctive way is the wide sea. This sea is symbol of life itself. Man has to sail either it is sea or life to go through. According to Hemingway, in both the sea and in life, there are many possibilities and similarities that the eye cannot see. The first similarity between them is that, both the sea and life are full of mystery, surprise, shock and challenge. However man has to fight bravely and nobly until the end.
                the man is lucky enough, and then he may discover treasure from sea. Likewise if the man is lucky then he will gain love, good family, peace and education. However, if he is unlucky than he may not find even single small fish from the greatest and wide sea.Same case with life.If the person is unfortunate then he struggle and suffer, a lot even for one time meal.
However, either it is like or sea, man has to embark journey and go through it amid all possible odes.
For example- Santiago goes for eighty four days without a single fish but he does not give up. He even continues his journey on eighty fifth days and brings a giant Marlin which shows his victory.

Symbolic use of Marlin and Shark:

The Marlin:

 Magnificent and glorious, the marlin symbolizes the ideal opponent. In a world in which “everything kills everything else in some way,” Santiago feels genuinely lucky to find himself matched against a creature that brings out the best in him: his strength and courage, his love and respect.
·   Marlin is symbol of human beings – first killed by God and then comes to save from damnation – FALL of Adam/Eve and birth of Son of the God as Jesus Christ – Santiago is Christ.
· Marlin symbolically represents – ‘virtue is its own reward’ (struggle is its own reward)–Santiago returns without any reward of his struggle. The true reward is not Marlin; the reward is his ability and faith in struggle. His belief in ‘never say die’ attitude is reaffirmed and that is his reward. His strong resolution in his battle with shark is his reward.

The Sharks:

  The sharks are little more than moving appetites who thoughtlessly and gracelessly attack the marlin. As opponents for the old man, they stand in bold contrast to the marlin, which is worthy of Santiago's effort and strength. They symbolize and embody the destructive laws of the universe and attest to the fact that those laws can be transcended only when equals fight to the death. Because they are base predators, Santiago wins no glory from battling them.

Symbol of Skiff:


The skiff symbol of Santiago himself, as Santiago struggle in his life, the skiff also have to struggle in the sea The skiff also symbol of the defeated human beings.

The Harpoon:

Santiago lost his harpoon as he finds a shark, symbolic of individual who lose their faith as life’s goes attack. Much like Santiago without harpoon, those without faith are defenceless. The lost harpoon is symbol of loss of power, strength, virility, pride. Santiago loses his harpoon-the first of many such losses as he continues a futile battle with sharks.

Symbolic use of number:

The numeric symbolism in the novel ‘’the old man and the sea’’ seen to be religious. Numbers of figure like three, seven, forty and eighty five have special significant I the bible.

Example when the novel opens, we come to know that Santiago has unsuccessfully fished for forty days. This figure is considered unlucky in the bible
Then Santiago’s fight with great fish marlin lasts for three days. Thus figure symbolizes struggle in the bible. There is reference to figure eighty five which is considered to be lucky and good figure. Even Santiago remarks.

Santiago Symbol of Crucification and Chritianity:

Many times, stories by Hemingway have much religious influence and symbolism. In the old man and the sea, by Ernest Hemingway, numerous occurrences in the life of Santiago the fisherman are similar to the incident recorded in the life of Jesus of Nazareth. The names of the character translated from Spanish to English are just one of those many similarities.

In the story, there are many references to the crucifixion of Jesus. Santiago’s badly injured hand evokes the hands of the crucified Jesus and three other situations reinforce this theory first, Santiago’s marlin is approached by a pair of shovel nosed sharks.


The book is the oldman and the sea representation of life as struggle against unconquerable force of nature. In this novella Hemingway symbolized person , place or thing to represent the real meaning of his writing   In every day struggle of old man there is deep meaning behind it. Hemingway is very much connected with the nature.

Monday, 7 November 2016

Here I sharing my assignment of post-colonial literature

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Name: Maru Janak j.

Roll no: 20

Paper no: 11

Paper name: Postcolonial literature

Topic: Postcolonialism inBlack skin White Mask

Email Id:

Submitted to : Department Of English


          “Black Skin, White Masks” (1952) is a book about the mind set or psychology of racism by Frantz Fanon, psychiatrist and black, post colonialist thinker. Fanon wrote Black Skin, White Masks when he was 27. it was his first and perhaps most enduring book. And it was ignored. Its significance was recognized only after the death of the author, particularly after the publication of the English translation a decade and a half later in 1967. Frantz Fanon had tremendous impact on the European anti-colonialist movement.
It is a very personal account of Fanon's experience being black as a man, an intellectual, and a part to a French education. It examines how colonialism is internalized by the colonized, how an inferiority complex is inculcated, and how, through the mechanism of racism, black people end up emulating their oppressors.
Key Words – ( Superiority , Blackman , Masks, Language , Race , Skin)

#Meaning Of Postcolonialism:
Postcolonial theory is a generalized term used to describe the variety of events that took place in the aftermath of decolonization throughout various nations.
Post colonialism as a study addresses issues of power, subordination, race, gender inequality and class warfare; but it examines how these issues still exist and linger far after the imperial powers exited the colonies.
The ultimate goal of post colonial theory is to combat the lasting effects of colonialism on native cultures. It is not simply concerned with recovering these past cultures, but learning how the world can move beyond this period together, towards a place of mutual respect.
Some of the most prominent theorists and authors of this theory are Frantz Fanon, Gayatri Spivak and Edward W. Said. These authors sought to expose and deconstruct the racist, imperialist nature of Eurocentric assumptions and thus remove the power of persuasion and coercion.

#Postcolonialism in Black-skin white-mask:

      Black Skin White Masks, Fanon argued that colonoalism dehumanized the native. This process was thorough that the black man can see himself only as the black (mirror) image of the white man. The white man is the master, and represents an object that is to be feared and desired. The black therefore tries to be more like the (desirable) white man/master. He puts on 'white mask'.
  The book is divided in 8 chapters. In these eight chapters, Fanon talks about psychology of white colonizers and black people’s desire to be like white men. He talks about issue of language, marriage between white and black and psychology behind it, white mind set of ruling, black’s inequality and struggle for human existence.

1.The Black Man and the language:
                 In this chapter author talks about the black people who is not learn white man's language perfactly.he is unintelligent yes if he does learn it perfectly, he has washed his brain in the world of racial ideology.
According to Fanon

“The Negro enslaved by his inferiority, the white man enslaved by his
superiority alike behaves in accordance with a neurotic orientation.”

Essentially the Negro is born into a hopeless situation. In this context, the black man will never be normal, but always an inborn no, a preborn human of abnormality. "Let me add only that in the psychological sphere the abnormal man is he who demands, who appeals, who begs." Fanon invokes Freud; however the Oedipus complex is a luxury for the white man.

2. The woman of colour and the white Man :
        When women o fcolour go after white man and put down men of their own colour .Fanon says the cause is just what  many of us suspect:Internalized racism.Nor do these women truly white men:they just love their colour.They go with them not out of love but to deal with their own hangs-ups about is because the black women feels inferior that she aspies to gainadmittance to the white world.
       here are two such women: the Negros and the mulatto. The first has only one possibility and one concern: to turn white. The second wants not only to turn white but also to avoid slipping back. What indeed could be more illogical then a mulatto woman’s acceptance of a Negro husbands? For the understood once and for all that it is a question of saving the race.

3.The man of colour and white woman.

I want to be recognized not
As Black but as a white(Frantz)
           In this chapter concept of black man's desire is become a man has two diamentions:one with his fellow,the other with the white man.

4.The so called dependency complex of the colonized people.

In this chapter Fanon argues that a people of colour may have deep desire for white rule. Those who opposite to it they don’t have secure sense of self that they have very chip sense on their shoulder.

5.The Lived experience of Black Man:
           Frantz Fanon wants to be a man.but in the white world in which he lives his skin colour becomes everything ,more important then even his education and achievement.While his neighbour or his cousin might late him for good reason,white people hate him without even getting to know him.They are irrational.
   After that Fanon categorises this chapter …
#Being Seen as a Negro , never a man .
#White people do not see him , they see his body
            on other side of the white world there lies a magical black culture.Blackes have rhythm,their sex is magical,”Emotion is Negro as reason is Greek''and so on.But this only feeds white stereotypes.

6. The Black Man and Psychopathology.
Why white people are so afraid of black men:
1.Black man are seen as being way less moral.
2.White man fear they will take white women from them.
“Black man and psychopathology” is related with some wrong beliefs that whit had for natives”

Why should people fear of being as a black? Here the white man repressed the Homosexuality and their strange hang ups about black man’s penises more generally, black man are viewed as a bodies which makes them seems like mindless, violence, sexual, animal beings. All the bad meaning that the word “Black” had even before Europeans set foot in black Africa.
Here he writes that

7. The Black Man and Recognition:

Section-A “The Negro and Adler”

In this section fanon applies Adler’s personality theory to the ‘Antillean Negro’, How Antillean Negro act towards each other. Fanon says, that “The question is always whether he is less intelligent than I, blacker than I, less respectable than I”. The “question of value” that plagues the neurotic Antillean Negro is historically constructed and has arisen out of colonialism.

In this chapter Fanon also talks about the role colonial education. “It is because the Negro belongs to an “inferior” race that he seeks to be like the superior race”. The pattern of the white man.

Section –B “The Negro and the Hegel”

` In the second section Fanon applies Hegel’s Master- Slave dialectic. The ‘Hegelian dialectic’ offers, Fanon argues, an explanation of what distinguishes “human reality” from “natural reality”.

“Man is human only to the extent to which he tries to impose his existence on another man in order to be recognized by him”

 Black men fight for an equal place in society, The White man considers Black men as “machine-animal-men”.Fanon says, “There is always resentment in a reaction”. Nietzsche points out that in the latter Fanon remind us there is always a great deal of “resentment”.

The unequal power relations between the slave and the Master means that even if the Master had to confer upon the slave its recognition the power balance would not have shifted. Fanon says that “it is in the degree to which I go beyond my own immediate being that I apprehend the existence of the other as a natural and more than natural reality”.

Thus, in these both chapters, “Fanons describe the marginalization of Black people and colonizer White world”.

 8. “By way of conclusion:

“By way of conclusion” is the final chapter, Frantz fanon does not want to be a black man, and he wants to be amen plain and simple. Black and white could not live in present as they can’t separate themselves from their past, says fanon.
 He writes……

“I will not make myself the man of any past. I do not want to sing the past to the detriment of my present and future.
#Let the dead bury the dead:
#I am my own foundation.”
Fanon says he has only one rights and one duty.
1) The rights to demand human behaviour from the other.
2) The duty to never let his decisions renounces his freedom.

     Black Skin White Masks, Fanon argued that colonoalism dehumanized the native. This process was thorough that the black man can see himself only as the black (mirror) image of the white man. The white man is the master, and represents an object that is to be feared and desired.  The black therefore tries to be more like the (desirable) white man/master. He puts on 'white mask'.

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Here I am sharing my assignment of modernist literature

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Name: Maru Janak j.

Roll no: 20

Paper no: 9

Paper name: Modernist literature

Topic: Waiting for Godot With religious Interpretation

Email Id:

Submitted to : Department Of English

Samuel Buckett:

      Samuel Beckett is a famous Irish dramatist and novelist. “Waiting for Godot” is his master piece.
 The play is one of the classic works of theatre of absurd.
It is multilayered drama which has many interpretations.

       The play appears to be absurd however with a profound religious significance. Despite the fact that the play usually interpretae inside the setting of the theater of absurd. existentialist lirerature, it is aslo Chritian allegory and also interpreted with religious interpretations.

    The play has extremely solid proofs of theory of existentialism, yet at the same time, it can be connected with numerous different religious understandings. Like, Christian myth of two hoodlums, sitting tight for second happening to Jesus Christ, Hindu reasoning and its "Avtar'' and different interpretation.

#The Tramps’ Faith
        In support of the Christian interpretation, it might be argued that Vladimir and Estragon, who are waiting for Godot, are shown as clearly superior to Pozzo and Lucky, who have no appointment, no objective, and are wholly egocentric, wholly wrapped up in their sado-masochistic relationship. It is their faith that puts the two tramps on a higher plane. It is evident that Pozzo is overconfident and self-centred. “Do I look like a man that can be made to suffer”? he boasts. Even when he gives a melancholy and moving description of the sunset and the sudden failings of the night, we know he

does not believe the night will ever fall on him; he is not concerned with the meaning of what he recites, but only with its effect on his listeners. Hence he is taken completely unawares when night does fall on him and he goes blind. Likewise Lucky, in accepting Pozzo as his master and in teaching him his ideas, seems to have been naively convinced of the power of reason, beauty, and truth.
         Estragon and Vladimir are clearly superior to both Pozzo and Lucky—not because they pin their faith on Godot but because they are less naive. They do not believe in action, wealth, or reason. They are aware that all we do in this life is as nothing when seen against the senseless action of time, which is in itself an illusion. They are aware that suicide would be the best solution.
     They are thus superior to Pozzo and Lucky because they are less self-centred and have fewer illusions. The hope, the habit of hoping, that Godot might come after all is the last illusion that keeps Vladimir and Estragon from facing the human condition in the harsh light of fully conscious awareness. For a brief moment, Vladimir is aware of the full horror of the human condition: “The air is full of our cries……At me too someone is looking……” But the routine of waiting, which has become a habit, prevents an awareness of the full reality of being.

#Religious symbole such as a Tree:
The tree is very religious. It is believed that the tree represents life and death in a cyclical fashion. Also waiting is a central part of the play. Waiting can be interpreted as a religious activity. Waiting can be directly linked to faith.
     Many people of the catholic faith believe that they are on this earth waiting to go to heaven i.e. the afterlife. I think that Beckett hits out at this notion. He does this by showing that nothing happens at the end of Vladimir and Estragon’s waiting. The title, waiting for Godot, is very clever. It can be, and has been read as waiting for god. It would appear, on first glance that Vladimir and Estragon are indeed waiting for god, or a godlike figure.
       In act1 Vladimir's talk of damnation and salvation.vladmir accuses Estragone of blaming his boots for the faults of his feet.Estragon is still pulling at his boots.Estragon abruptly referes to an were crucified at the same time a jejus christ .One of these two,thieves,says vladimir cannot understand why only one of the four Evangelists should have spoken of a theif being saved.Of the other three Evangelists,two do not mention ant thieves at all and the third says that both of them abused christ.Estragon is unable to understand this talk.His only interest in the Bible is that he had once looked at the maps of the Holy land and found them quite attractive.

#Biblical elements in “Waiting for Godot”:

As it has many Christian ideas, it is also related with many biblical elements and symbols. At the beginning of the play, Vladimir asks Estragon, have he read the Bible or not. Throughout the play, biblical, Christian elements are very much presented with the symbols.
 The background image of ‘Tree’ has multiple meanings, and religious interpretation see as it is an image of cross where Jesus Christ was crucified. Their waiting also reflects the basic biblical idea of Christ’s returns on the Doomsday.
This play has strong religious connections, as it is also known as religious allegory. As William Mueller observed,
“The human predicament described in Beckett’s first play is that of man living on the Saturday after the Friday of the crucifixion, and not really knowing if all hope is dead or if the next day will bring the life which has been promised.”

#Religious and Chritian Play:
        one view is that poozzo represent mankind ,and lucky represent christ if this view of the critic accepted,then what takes place before the tramps is the reacting of the redemption.The tramps ofcourse do not recognize it as such they find it unpleasen and prefer to contineu waiting for the mysterious Godot.Another possible interpreation is that pozzo and lukcy represent human life,Pozzo representing physical aspect of the human personality and Lucky the spiritual.Pozzo himself in the course of the playturns blind,this perhaps being and indecation of the transcience of the human power and domination.
              The religious appeal of the play Waiting for Godot may be regarded to have the religious appeal for instence Godot is the external figure who can bring a change in the certainly exists>The idea of grace or the possiblity of salvation is promienant in the play from the moment when vladimir expresses his puzzliment overthe different acounts given in the four gospels  the fate of the two thives crucified with christ according to one version,on of the two thives was saved and other damned as vladimir remarks: “it is reasonable persentage”.also again vladimir and estragon waiting might be explains as signified their steadfast faith and help while vladmir's kindness to hisfriend,and the two tramps's mutual inter-dependence might be seen as symbole of christian charity the trampswho areWaiting For Godot may be regarded superior to Pozzo and Lucky who have no appoinment and no objective ,and who are wholly wrapped upin their shadow masochistic relationship the two tramps are less self-centered and have feual illusion the hope the habbitof hoping that Godot might one after all may be an illusion but it is an illusion that substance them and keeps them going Godot lends to their paintless existence a center meaning even though Godot himself it ambiguous,unpredictable person.

    The hope of salvation may be merely an evasion of the suffering and anguish that spring from facing the reality of the human condition. But this does not invalidate the religious implications of the play. It is possible, however, to believe either that the play visualizes the possibility of salvation or that it negates such a possibility. It is strongly believed that the play has ideas of existentialism. But event to support existentialism, writer shows religious ideas. And he also tries to deconstruct it. Consciously or unconsciously, writer presents many Christian myths and Biblical images.

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