Friday, 25 March 2016

Roll No: 26
Paper No: (8) The Cultural Studies
Topic: Five Types of Cultural Studies
M.A: Sem-2
Year: 2015-16
Submitted To: Smt.S.B Gardi Department of English M.K.B.U.-Bhavnagar University

v       Five types of Culture Studies:

                 Culture: first when study this topic culture then arising many questions like that: What is Culture? How the Culture Main role of social & literature in study? Is this study believing of only philosophy of Culture or not only social culture study including them? So let’s we start in culture study importance and what main purpose of culture studies.
Culture is derived from Latin the word ‘Culture and ‘Colere’ and to honor and protect. Culture is a system of knowledge. Some critics are defined the culture like:

“Culture is a march towards perfection”                        - Mathew Arnold
“Culture is everything you don’t have to do’’                - Brain Eno
“Culture study is the study of lively culture’’                 - Raymond Williams
                Culture: “The deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and material objects and possessions acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving''         -  Samovar & Porter
The Origin of Cultural Study: Started on 1964 – Richard Hoggart.
               It derives from the CCCS (Center for Contemporary Cultural Study) at the Univ. of Birmingham established in 1964.he founding fathers are:  Richard Hoggart, Raymond Williams, E.P. Thompson, Stuart Hall. They concern with the changing of English cultural life.
                      I think everyday life is studied in cultural studies, cultural studies composed of element of Features.
 Cultural Studies: Main Concerns:

           Subjectivity and power relations (Race, gender, class relations) in culture (cultural hegemony).  the circuit of culture

  What is the Subject of Cultural Studies?

 •Subject area not clearly defined; all-inclusive notion of culture and study of a range of practices.Principles, theories and methods are eclectic. Distinct history of cultural studies.Principles, theories and methods from social sciences disciplines, the humanities and the arts adapted to the purposes of cultural analysis
•Methodologies diverse: textual analysis, ethnography, psychoanalysis, survey research, etc.
So than I can Put some images very good relation on studies in culture and method

There are four goals of culture studies as a kind of :

          When define the culture studies there are many controversies work are include them and there is most of idea is related to some power or political relationship between social and capitalism.

(1) British Cultural Materialism:

Cultural materialism began in earnest in the 1950s with the work of F. R. Leavis, heavily influenced by Matthew Arnold’sanalyses of bourgeois culture.
“There are no masses; there are only ways of seeing (other) people as masses.” – Raymond Williams
 Williams talks about attribute of (1) working class (2) Elite class
                 It as a four types of academic literary criticism using in culture perspective as a like:
(1) Aestheticism
(2) Antihistoricism
(3) Formalism
(4) Apoliticis

 Feminism was also important for British cultural Materialism .
Cultural materialists also turned to : Insights: Humanistic : Spiritual
 (2) New Historicism:
               New Historicism is developed 1980 by Stephan Greenblatt
Basic idea: History with literary text
“Text is historical and history is textual’’ – Michael Warner                  
                     History deals with background and text deals with its foreground so, background and foreground both should be taken into consideration History is a series of an event .According to about History explain to Past sense and Idea about like:
History is always historicized – Fredrick
Always historicize and history is that hurt – Fredrick Jamson
                As a return to historical scholarship, new Historicism concerns itself with extra literary matters– letters, diaries, films, paintings, medical treatises– looking to reveal opposing historical tensions in a text.

New historicists seek “surprising coincidences” that may cross generic, historical, and cultural lines in borrowings of metaphor, ceremony, or popular culture.

The new historicism rejects the prioritization of history in favor of order­ing history only through the interplay of forms of power.

What does new historicism do?
(1) First they juxtaposed the post with present
(2) They deal with the history
(3) It also deconstruction the text
(4) Derrida’s concept of deconstruction also comes in that.
New Historicism process as:

(1) Rabbit woman: a female gives birth to rabbit. (It is satire on scientist and female)
(2) Merchant of Venice: it shows Shakespeare anti-Semitic.

(3) Laputa – Floating island   -   The Whore
Here I put image about that idea New Historism is Historisze of history like:

(3) American Multiculturalism:
                         Turn back the few chapters of American political history and we witness bloodshed and atrocities in the name of racism. In this type culture include in four type of writer and many sub culture activity or interesting about history of American writer. Such a kind of:
(1)       African American writer:
                                            African American Writing often displays a folkloric conception of a humankind; a “double consciousness,” as W.E.B. Dubois called it, arising from bicultural identity; irony, parody, tragedy and bitter comedy in negotiating this ambivalence; attacks upon presumed white cultural superiority; a naturalistic focus on survival’ and inventive reframing of language itself, as in language games liken “jiing”, “sounding”, “signifying”, and “rapping”.
                                                                    Langston Hughes was a prominent member of the Harlem Renaissance a movement during the 1920s of black writers and intellectuals who engaged in intense debate regarding the place of the African American in American life, and on the role and identity of the African-American artist. 
(2) Latina/o Writers:

Spanish-speaking people in the United States. The majority of Mexican residents stayed in place, transformed into Mexican Americans with a stroke of the pen. One of the primary tropes in Latina/o studies has to do with the entire concept of borders-borders between nations, between cultures and within cultures.

  “Code-switching” is a border phenomenon studied by linguists. Speakers who code-switch move back and forth between Spanish and English, for instance, or resort to the “Spanglish” of border towns.
  Liminality or “betweeness” is characteristic of postmodern experience but also has special connotations for Latina.
(3) American Indian Literatures:

Two types of Indian literature have evolved as fields of study.
(1) Traditional Indian literature includes tales, songs, and oratory.
(2) Mainstream Indian literature refers to works written by Indians in English in the traditional genres of fiction, poetry and autobiography.
Momaday’sHouse Made of Dawn (1968), which won the Pulitzer Prize, and his memoir, the way to Rainy Mountain (1969), is beginning a renaissance of Indian fiction and poetry.
In this type literature another important that :
AIM- American Indian Movement
ASAL- Association for the study of American India literature

(4) Asian American Writers:
Ø Asian American literature can be said to have begun around the turn of the 20th century, primarily with autobiographical “paper son” stories and “confessions.”Edward Said has written of orientalism, or the tendency to objectify and exoticize Asians, and their work has sought to respond to such stereotyping.
Ø Paper son stories were carefully fabricated for Chinese immigrant men to make the authorities believe that their New World sponsors were really their fathers.
Ø Asian American autobiography inherited these descriptive strategies, as Maxine Hong Kingston’s The Woman Warriors: Memoirs of Girlhood among Ghosts (1976) illustrates.
Ø Identity may be individually known within but is not always at home in the outward community. Most influenced work like:

(4) Popular culture:
          It is also known as POP culture. Of Culture studies also includes mass or popular cultural and everyday life.
Ø The department popular culture at Bowling Green Uni. Launched the journal of popular culture.
Ø Popular culture is the culture of masses.
There are four type of popular culture:

(1) Production Analysis: It asks quotations like:
a)     Who own the media?
b)    Who create text and why?
c)     How democratic of elitist is production of popular culture?
d)    What about works written only for money?

  Example like: Television programmer
(2) Textual analysis: It examines how specific works of popular culture created meanings.
(3) Audience analysis: it asks different group of popular culture consumers or users, make similar of different sense of some texts.
(4) Historical analysis:  It investigates how these other three dimensions over times.

(1) Postmodernism & postcolonial studies
Ø Postmodernism: Postmodernism questions everything rationalist European philosophy held to be true. Beginning in the mid-1980s, postmodernism emerged in art, architecture, music, film, literature, sociology, communications, fashion and other field. Postmodernism borrows from modernism disillusionment with the givens of society; a penchant for irony; the self-conscious “play” within the work of art; fragmentation and ambiguity; and a restructured, decentered, dehumanized subject.
                Started by Ahab Hassan and Lesile Fielder. Earlier this term was known as the culture aesthetics approach.
Post modernism is an anti – art after World War II and they both have stared and coined this term. ‘Postmodernism’ is a term usually applied to the period in literature, which was first used in the 1960s. it is a reaction against realism & modernism. It reject the claim of any universal or totalizing theory , and reject ‘high’ & ‘low’  class- mass. In literature it collapses the distinction between genres and conventions. The thriller formats became of the serious novel. Comic element and absurdity mark the author’s attitude to tragic, events like death ,suffering. Postmodernism argues that it is all contingent and that most cultural constructions have served the function of empowering members of a dominant social group at the expense of “others.”
v      Practitioners- modernism:
a) Walter Benjamin
b) Susan Sintag
c) Loui’s Borges
d) Virginia wolf
e) Martin Heidegger
f) BertoltBrtech
g) Ezrapound
h) Jams joyee
v      Postmodernism Aspect by Jean Baudrillard some point out that:
Ø Any sign is empty
Ø Virtual world
Ø Status and taboos
Ø Hyperrealism between the private or public.
It also affected in
-Building -Cinema
-         Literature                   -   music
-         Painting                     -   Architecture
-         Photography
v      Postcolonial Studies:
Ø Post colonialism refers to a historical phase undergone by the Third World countries after the decline of colonialism.
Ø “others” constructs them based upon Western anxieties and preoccupations. Said sharply critiques the Western images of the Oriental as “irrational, depraved (fallen), child-like, ‘different,’” which has allowed the West to define itself as “rational, virtuous, mature, ‘normal.’”
Ø Post modern intellectual discourse.
Ø The association between nations and area they occupied and once ruled.
Many Third World writers focus on both colonialism and the changes created in a postcolonial culture.Frantz Fanon drew upon his own horrific experiences in French Algeria to deconstruct emerging national regimes.
Ø Homi K. Bhabha’s  postcolonial theory involves analysis of nationality, ethnicity, and politics with poststructuralist ideas of identity and indeterminacy, defining postcolonial identities as shifting, hybrid construction.
Ø Among postcolonial feminism is Gayatri  Chakravorty Spivak, who examines the effects of political independence upon “subaltern” or subproletarian women in the Third World.
Ø Reveal how female subjects are silenced by the dialogue between the male-dominated West and East, offering little hope for the subaltern woman’s voice to rise up amidst the global social institutions that oppress her.
v     conclusion
           In their last conclude that five type culture is very longer theory or many sub divisor or theorist become to his research  and include to culture as a subjectivity own work.

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